Bobbie Geal of Dùn Airchill 8679




DOB: 28/09/2017

Colour: White

Sire: Ghost of Cawdor 6818

Dam: Bonnie of Kimberley Cottage 8195


Bobbie Geal of Dùn Airchill - SHOW HIGHLIGHTS 

2018 Circular Head Show -

- Junior and Grand Champion Highland Bull

"India of Dùn Airchill"

yellow heifer

Dam: Isla of Sea Crest

2019 Brighton Agricultural Show -

- Senior Champion Highland Bull

​- Reserve Champion Senior Interbreed Bull

Bobbie Geal of Dùn Airchill

2018 Brighton Agricultural Show -

- Junior and Grand Champion Highland Bull

​- Reserve Champion Junior Interbreed Bull

"Indie" at 7 months

2018 Royal Hobart Show -

- Junior and Grand Champion Highland Bull

2019 Bushy Park Show -

- Junior Champion Highland Bull

Progeny of Bobbie Geal of Dùn Airchill


2019 Royal Hobart Show -

- Senior Champion Highland Bull

​- 3rd Place Champion Interbreed Beef Breed Bull

Tasmania,  Australia